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Date   : Thu, 26 May 1983 22:25:00 EDT
From   : Paul L. Kelley <PLK@mit-mc>
Subject: MODEM901 Fix File

       Matt Weinstein at UCLA-LOCUS has pointed out an error in
MODEM901. A fix file is available on MIT-MC as CPM;MODEM 901FIX.
The file reads as follows:


       There is an error in the routine in CONSOLE.ASM which emulates
BDOS function 10. The error causes the program to restart itself when
ctrl-U (remove current line) is entered.

       To fix the COM file with DDT change location 265FH from JMP 0AD0H
to JMP 25D3H.

       The source code should read:

INBUFO:        MVI     A,'#'
       CALL    CONOUT
       MVI     A,0DH
       CALL    CONOUT
       MVI     A,0AH
       CALL    CONOUT
       JMP     ISTART          ;Formerly:  JMP   START
RETYPE:        POP     D
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