Date : Thu, 21 Jul 1983 08:12:37 EDT
From : Rick Conn <rconn@brl>
Subject: Hard Disk Utilities
I have just uploaded several hard disk utilities from a
recent SIG/M disk of that topic. They are in AR15:CPM on MIT-MC.
CRCs check. These utilities are:
Name MIT-MC Files Function
BIGBURST BIGBUR ASM & DOC Copy a file from a hard disk
to several floppies, where
the file is too big to fit
on just one floppy
FLOPCOPY FLPCPY ASM & DOC On a hard disk/one floppy system,
copy files from one floppy to
another thru the hard disk
automatically; this copies all
files from the source floppy to
the hard disk and then tells you
to insert the dest floppy, at
which time it copies all files from
the hard disk to the dest floppy,
deleting the files from the hard disk
MULTCOPY MLTCPY ASM & DOC Backs up a hard disk onto multiple
floppies; assumes the largest file
can fit on one floppy
The BACKUP program from the same set is similar to
MULTCOPY and was already in AR15:CPM. All programs were written
and contributed by Gary Young in North Hollywood, CA. I have not
tried them myself, but I have heard that they work well.