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Date   : Tue, 15 Nov 1983 08:50:36-PST (Tue)
From   : hplabs!intelca!omsvax!ogcvax!tektronix!azure!michaelk@ucb-vax
Subject: CP/M PLUS

Does anyone know what bugs were fixed when DRI went from 3.0 to 3.1 ?
My banked cpm plus (256K RAM) works OK functionally, but, doesn't
seem to provide the disk speed improvement anticipated.  It seems
to flush read-buffers too much, and seems to do directory checksums
rather often even though the floppies are marked non-removeable. Any
ideas?  I use DSDD 8" (1.2MB) drives w/512 byte sectors.
This is a personal project, not one of my employer.

Mike Kersenbrock
Aloha, Oregon
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