Date : Tue, 22 Nov 1983 14:27:00-PST
From : ABN.ISCAMS@usc-isid
Subject: KERMIT and your local TAC
I was exchanging messages with a NetLandian the other night, and he
mentioned not being able to get KERMIT running. He also mentioned he
was working on the ARPANet through a TAC, and I fired off my TAC patch
Suddenly realized others out there might have the same problem.
If you're working through a TAC, and KERMIT absolutely totally refuses
to make the first connection, even in the simple CONNECT mode, message me.
The problem is in the TAC's interrupt character (I think that's the term --
on my TAC, it's the @ sign -- you have to send 2 to get the TAC to send
on a single one to the host, else the TAC thinks you're talking to it,
and all KERMIT's commands and stuff make no sense at all to it!
I have a real simple patch for the .ASM source to KERMIT (only about
3 instructions and one address!), and will message to you singly, or to
the net in general if enough queries come in.
Yes, I will be contacting the COLUMBIA people, but want to make my Morrow
Decision I and Freedom 100 IF-ENDs to KERMIT (well, actually CPMBASE.M80)
first to give them one complete FTPable package.
If you have a Decision I or a Freedom 100, of course I'll be glad to
get the appropriate changes to you as well.
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall