Date : Wed, 23 Nov 1983 09:14:49-PST
From : Ty Wernet <CCVAX.ty@nosc>
Subject: Re: Results of ZCPR2 Query to Date
A disadvantage to ZEX that makes me go back and use one of the disk-based
submit type programs is that when using ZEX I am unable to run programs that
need speed. For example, I am running a SUPER19 like rom in my terminal
at 38,400 baud. I request the date from the terminal under the regular
submit like programs and have no problem, when using ZEX, it is unable
to handle the characters coming back from the terminal. That makes programs
that use the date feature of my terminal useless. Even running at 9600 baud
ZEX is unable to keep up. Other than the speed problem ZEX does everything
else that I require. When I say ZEX is unable to handle the characters coming
back from the terminal it is ZEX dropping/missing them.
I have implemented ZCPR2 on our machines here at work and also all the ones
we have at home. We currently do not use ZCPR2's named directories. We had
developed a "CD" of our own running under ZCPR1. It is name based with
unique directory recognition. The .dir file is only a text file containing
disk,user#,name. A rather simple solution but works well. When ZCPR2 came
around we just moved our "CD" over.