Date : Thu, 15 Mar 1984 17:39:00 MST (Thu)
From : CSTROM@simtel20
Subject: SETDRU
I have uploaded the following files to SIMTEL20, in the
MICRO:<CPM.DIRUTL> directory:
These files form the basis of a BDOS filter that can be used to direct
search of files under CP/M 2.2 (and CP/M Plus). One of the most
popular uses for this filter is to allow WordStar overlays to reside
on any drive/user (either the same as WS.COM or another entirely) and
to allow WordStar to be executed from any drive/user.
The documentation is quite complete; the files were built from a
combination of a C user interface and to M80 programs, which I will
upload if demand merits. Note that the original program was a Z80-only
affair; I converted it to 8080 code. UNSETDRU can de-install a
redirection filter but is not necessary as long as the original file
is properly backed-up before using SETDRU.