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Date   : Wed, 21 Mar 1984 15:40:51 EST (Wed)
From   : Mike Ciaraldi <ciaraldi@Rochester.ARPA>
Subject: Apple CP/M Wordstar with Olympia

I have a friend with a problem integrating his system.
He has an Apple II Plus with the Microsoft Z-80 card and CP/M.
He also has an Apple Super Serial card, and this is connected
to an Olympia daisy wheel typewriter/printer.
Under Apple DOS, everything works fine. But when using CP/M,
the printer messes up. It prints for a whhile, then starts
losing characters. This is especially noticeable with Wordstar.

The people he bought the printer from can't tell him if it has
X-ON/X-OFF, ETX/ACK, or some other protocol. It sounds like the
buffer in the printer is overflowing (he is driving it at 1200 baud,
and the printer prints at maybe 12 characters per second), but
he doesn't know how to take advantage of this.

So, the question is: how can he get the printer to work right under
CP/M? e.g. in Wordstar he could select ETX-ACK, but since the printer
is configured as the CP/M LST: device, where would the software
read the ACK coming back? Same with X-ON/X-OFF.
Is there CP/M BIOS support for this, as there seems to be
in Apple DOS? Does it have to be enabled in some way?

Thanks for any help you can give.

Mike Ciaraldi
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