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Date   : Wed, 28 Mar 1984 06:50:36-MST
From   : Rick Conn <RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: ZCPR3 Intro - Message 9: Z3TCAP (Terminal Capabilities)

                         ZCPR3 - Z3TCAP

               The ZCPR3 TCAP (Terminal Capability) Facility 
         (Z3TCAP)  allows ZCPR3 to have a variety of easily-
         transportable screen-oriented  utilities.   ERROR2, 
         VFILER,  SHOW,  and  VMENU are such utilities found 
         under the ZCPR3 System.

B1:WORK2>NOTE The ZCPR3 TCAP (Z3TCAP) facility is supported by
B1:WORK2>NOTE   three programs and one data file:
B1:WORK2>dir root:tc*.com a;dir root:*.tcp
            A15:ROOT --     3 Files Using    12K (  202K Left)
 Z3TCAP  .TCP    8r
            A15:ROOT --     1 Files Using     8K (  202K Left)

B1:WORK2>NOTE TCCHECK is used to check the validity of Z3TCAP.TCP:
TCCHECK, Version 1.0
Z3TCAP File Check of Z3TCAP  .TCP Version 1.0 
        File Checks with    43 Terminals Defined

               Forty-three   (yes,    43!)   terminals   are 
         currently  supported  under  the   Z3TCAP.    Their 
         selection  and installation into a ZCPR3 System  is 
         rather trivial:

B1:WORK2>NOTE TCSELECT is used to select your terminal from one of the
B1:WORK2>NOTE  terminals in Z3TCAP.TCP:

B1:WORK2>tcselect myterm
TCSELECT, Version 1.0

** Terminal Menu 1 for Z3TCAP Version 1.0  **

A.  AA Ambassador           K.  Concept 100             
B.  ADDS Consul 980         L.  Concept 108             
C.  ADDS Regent 20          M.  CT82                    
D.  ADDS Viewpoint          N.  DEC VT52                
E.  ADM 2                   O.  DEC VT100               
F.  ADM 31                  P.  Dialogue 80             
G.  ADM 3A                  Q.  Direct 800/A            
H.  ADM 42                  R.  General Trm 100A        
I.  Bantam 550              S.  Hazeltine 1420          
J.  CDC 456                 T.  Hazeltine 1500          

Enter Selection, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - +

** Terminal Menu 2 for Z3TCAP Version 1.0  **

A.  Hazeltine 1510          K.  SOROC 120               
B.  Hazeltine 1520          L.  Super Bee               
C.  Heathkit H19            M.  TAB 132                 
D.  HP 2621                 N.  Teleray 1061            
E.  IBM 3101                O.  Teleray 3800            
F.  Micro Bee               P.  TTY 4424                
G.  Microterm ACT IV        Q.  TVI 912                 
H.  Microterm ACT V         R.  TVI 920                 
I.  P Elmer 1100            S.  TVI 950                 
J.  P Elmer 1200            T.  VC 404                  

Enter Selection, - for Last, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - +

** Terminal Menu 3 for Z3TCAP Version 1.0  **

A.  VC 415                  
B.  Visual 200              
C.  WYSE 50                 

Enter Selection, - for Last, or ^C to Exit - -

** Terminal Menu 2 for Z3TCAP Version 1.0  **

A.  Hazeltine 1510          K.  SOROC 120               
B.  Hazeltine 1520          L.  Super Bee               
C.  Heathkit H19            M.  TAB 132                 
D.  HP 2621                 N.  Teleray 1061            
E.  IBM 3101                O.  Teleray 3800            
F.  Micro Bee               P.  TTY 4424                
G.  Microterm ACT IV        Q.  TVI 912                 
H.  Microterm ACT V         R.  TVI 920                 
I.  P Elmer 1100            S.  TVI 950                 
J.  P Elmer 1200            T.  VC 404                  

Enter Selection, - for Last, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - S

  Selected Terminal is: TVI 950                  -- Confirm (Y/N)? Y

File MYTERM  .Z3T Created
B1:WORK2>dir *.z3t
 MYTERM  .Z3T    2 
            B1:WORK2 --     1 Files Using     2K (  286K Left)

B1:WORK2>NOTE Once you have a Z3T file, LDR can load it and, at this
B1:WORK2>NOTE   time (after loading), your terminal will be known
B1:WORK2>NOTE   to the ZCPR3 system and the ZCPR3 utilities can
B1:WORK2>NOTE   make use of its features, such as cursor positioning,
B1:WORK2>NOTE   reverse video, arrow keys, etc
B1:WORK2>ldr myterm.z3t
ZCPR3 LDR, Version 1.0
 Loading MYTERM.Z3T

B1:WORK2>NOTE The commands SHOW and VFILER are now configured for
B1:WORK2>NOTE   a TVI 950, as per my selection

               Not   everyone's  terminal  will  be  in  the 
         default Z3TCAP, however.  To meet this problem, the 
         utility TCMAKE is available.

B1:WORK2>NOTE If you terminal is not on the list of terminals in
B1:WORK2>NOTE   Z3TCAP.TCP, then TCMAKE can be used to define it
B1:WORK2>NOTE   I will define my TVI 950 here:

B1:WORK2>tcmake myterm1
TCMAKE, Version 1.0

        ** Z3TCAP Main Menu for File MYTERM1 .Z3T **

Define: 1. Clear Screen Sequence
        2. Cursor Motion Sequence
        3. Clear to End of Line Sequence
        4. Standout Mode Sequences
        5. Terminal Init/Deinit Sequences
        6. Arrow Keys
        7. Terminal Name

Status: S. Print Status (Definitions so far)

Exit:   X. Exit and Write File
        Q. Quit and Abort Program without Writing File

Command? 1

               I  won't  bore you with  details  here.   The 
         terminal  session is quite long,  illustrating  the 
         major features of TCMAKE.

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