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Date   : Sun, 08 Apr 1984108:33:00-MST
From   : "Matthew J. Weinstein" <matt@UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA>
Subject: MDMLNK - Patching MDM7xx and other files without DDT or SID

I think the suggestion made a few messages back was very good.
Since patches occur frequently, there should be an AUTOPATCH program
written that will take a set of patches and apply them (correctly)
to one or more versions of a binary.  

This way, when a fix comes out, you just put out one or more AUTOPATCH
control files, as well as matching source code changes; people's 
binaries get fixed automatically, and you don't have to put out a major
release very often.  

Many computer companies do things this way (although usually just with
source code).

Of course, some standards as to binary format or symbol table
information have to be established...

What do you think?

                                       - Matt
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