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Date   : Sun, 08 Apr 1984 14:23:00 MST (Sun)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: NSWP204 now available

Dave Rand has just release NSWP204, which fixes several problems in
earlier versions.   It's now available on SIMTEL20 in the
MICRO:<CPM.FILCPY> directory as NSWP204.COM, .DOC, and .HEX.  Here's
Dave's note about what was fixed:

Dave Rand
10232 - 160 St.
Edmonton, Alberta  Canada
T5P 3E9
(403) 484-4114

Notes on NSWP 204

NSWP 204 has a few new features! First, limited CPM 3 has been established,
in that if you have BDOS version over 3.0 (which may include MPM), you may
now run with ALV banked. NSWP will use the BDOS call to obtain the ALV
information. This also applies to the 16 bit version.

Before 204, if you attempted to delete a file that was currently tagged,
it was not removed from the tagged file size. It is correctly handled in all
cases now.

NSWP now saves the SP, rather than (SP), in order to support totally non-
standard implementations of BDOS and CCP.

When using the '?' function, the current disk information, along with the
tagged file size.

The copy file speed has been further optimized by elimination of a redundant
BDOS call (deleting a file, when we know it ain't there!).

NSWP has been modified to better support MPM and MPM86 by doing a rename
after a copy operation. This will drop the copy speed slightly, nullifying
the effect of the above change.

If you find anything else, please drop me a line...
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