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Date   : Sat, 14 Apr 1984 16:36:22 EST
From   : Bob Bloom (TECOM) <bbloom@Brl-Mis.ARPA>
Subject: more on nswp204 $r/o bug

I've found out some more in the nswp204 bug that causes it not to be able to 
copy $r/o files - somehow it's involved with the inverse video patches.  If I 
don't patch in the inverse videos, everything runs fine.

The two patches are: Inverse video on at 0104 (number of characters, then the 
characters) and Inverse video off at 010B.  For my televideo this corresponds 
to 104=2, 105=1b, 106=29, 10B=2, 10C=1B, and 10D=28.  I have no idea why this 
affects the copy.  It worked fine in version 2.00.

Regarding the P.S., on my last message, I have found other minor problems but 
not significant to bother the list with.  But since several people asked:

1.  The sequence of logging into the B: drive, switching disks in the A: drive 
and then attempting to copy a file from the logged in B: drive to A: fails in 
the disk $R/O error.  The copy will work if one first asks for remaining space 
on A: before the copy or copying from A: to B:.

2.  If one copies a single file from the A: drive to the B: drive, switches 
disks in the B: drive, and then tries to copy the same file to the new B: 
disk, a disk $R/O error results.  One has to again "log" in the new B: disk by 
asking for the remaining space on B: before copying.

3.  When the destination disk for a copy fills up and NSWP attempts to delete 
the partial copy and the file being copied was $R/O, a file $R/O error bombs 
the program because the $R/O attribute has also been copied.  In this 
condition the $R/O flag has to be taken off first before deleting the partial 

4.  When unsqueezing files squeezed with the orginal sq-17 (version maybe 
wrong) the filename of the unsqueezed file was in lower case and had to be 
renamed to uppercase.  This might not be worth "fixing" as the problem is 
probably in the old sq-17 squeezer. (I usually type all my comands in 
lowercase and I probably lowercased the command line at the time of the 
original squeeze.)

I than had 14 or so suggestions to make it "better" which I sent indirectly to 
Dave Rand.  (Add a LU utility, add the pip options, add bishow features,
More than Dave would be willing to add in any case.  But then I never fully 
satisfied with anything - especially software, included the programs I write!

-bob bloom
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