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Date   : Tue, 17 Apr 1984 08:30:47-PST (Tue)
From   : ihnp4!houxm!hogpc!houti!ariel!vax135!cornell!uw-beaver!ubc-vision!mprvaxa!barnes@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Problems with modem7 file transfers

I have been trying to use a CPM 1.4 system with a rather old version of
the Ward Christensen modem program (back when it was called modem 7).
When I try to transfer a file from the local RCPM, the transfer goes
fine until #138 when it quits with a BDOS error on B.  Shorter files
work fine.  The RCPM is running the latest version of modem.  Any ideas?

Please reply by mail.

Michael Barnes
Microtel Pacific Research              ..!ubc-vision!mprvaxa!barnes
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