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Date   : Tue, 17 Apr 1984 11:41:30 pst
From   : William C. Wells <wcwells%ucbopal.CC@Ucb-Vax.ARPA>
Subject: Re: need MICRO:<CPM.WSTAR> from SIMTEL20

In reference to:

       Date: 17 Apr 1984 11:33-EST
       Sender: ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
       Subject: Re: need MICRO:<CPM.WSTAR> from SIMTEL20
       From: ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
       To: decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!sdcsvax!bmcg!felix!zemon@BERKELEY
       Cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
       Message-Id: <[USC-ISID]17-Apr-84 11:33:55.ABN.ISCAMS>
       In-Reply-To: The message of 11 Apr 84 11:15:19-PST (Wed)
               from decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!sdcsvax!bmcg!felix!zemon@Ucb-Vax.ARPA

Internet users note:


Usenet news group "net.micro.cpm" are being feed to the INFO-CPM mail
distribution list. Long "@BERKELEY" addresses with local address
containing a large number of hosts separated by exclamation points "!"
are not necessarily valid mail addresses.  If the message came from the
USENET News system, the local address is a record of the hosts that the
news article has been distributed to before being relayed to INFO-CPM.
In some cases a news article may have gone back and forth across the
country several times before being relayed to INFO-CPM.

In the case of:
       To: decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!sdcsvax!bmcg!felix!zemon@BERKELEY



is a USENET news distribution path, not a UUCP mail path. The address
       To: decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!sdcsvax!bmcg!felix!zemon@BERKELEY

would mail your reply via ucbvax (@Berkeley), then decvax
(on the East Coast) then to ittvax, then ittvax, then sdcsvax
(UC San Diego) which is linked to ucbvax (@Berkeley).
One of the following addresses:

       To: trwrb!felix!zemon@BERKELEY


       To: sdcsvax!bmcg!felix!zemon@BERKELEY

would have been more direct and cheaper for all concerned.

Please note that UUCP mail goes via dial telephone links,
sometime at very slow speeds (110, 300 baud etc.).  Thus sending
large files via UUCP can be very expensive for the relay sites
(hostids between !'s) concerned. UUCP mail is not intended for
large file transfers. There is currently 100000 character limit on
messages relayed to UUCP sites via UCBVAX ("@Berkeley").  Abuse of
UUCP mail will result in lower limits being set for mail relay from
Internet to UUCP, and/or in UUCP mail sites disconnecting from the UUCP
network because they cannot paid huge telephone bills for tranferring
other peoples mail.

It is suggested that users at UUCP sites requesting copies of public
domain software from SIMTEL20 be referred to offline sources or RCPM
systems. For example CPMUG and SIG/M volumes are available via mail
order on the East Coast from the New York Amateur Computer Club and
on the West Coast from Piconet CP/M Users Group.

Bill Wells
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