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Date   : Tue, 17 Apr 1984 17:40:15 EST (Tuesday)
From   : jose rodriguez <jrodrig@Mitre-Gateway.ARPA>
Subject: nature of UUCP-Arpanet connection

Fellow netlanders,

       Concerning the latest msg about the UUCP-Arpanet connection (and with
fears of starting a long discussion in the wrong place) I got a few 
questions concerning this connection which I would like someone to answer me
(and I am sure to the net too). The first questions are purelly informative
and the latter ones are more of a "discussion" type.

1) Can arpanet people send msgs to UUCP (and I guess Usenet) sites? Say
through Berkeley? I am asking this because I have been sending msgs to
UUCP sites for more than a year (for different reasons) and never had
any response.

2) Do UUCP people enter the source routing paths manually? You will think
there is some automating software for this.

3) Will the UUCP world be ever an Internet domain? I have seen paths
like "joe@foovax.UUCP", do any mailer implements this?

The following concerns mainly arpanet people:

4) Considering the nature of the UUCP network, (no user  to user e-mail,
small throughput (which arpanet people should worry about!), no restrictions,
etc.) do you consider the UUCP-Arpanet connection usefull or of some value?
Or rewording the above, what was the purpose behind connecting the two
networks in the first place?

ok arpanauts, the ball is in your side,

Jose M. Rodriguez
Information Systems Group
Mitre Corp.
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