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Date   : Sun, 22 Apr 1984 18:54:36 EST
From   : Rick Conn <rconn@Brl-Mis.ARPA>
Subject: Z3 Beta Testing

       The demonstration/test of ZCPR3 in remote access mode is now over,
and ZCPR3 has passed without a hitch.  Response has been quite positive,
with no bugs found/known at this time.  I made one very minor change to
the ZCPR3 command procesor and to SYSFCP (the IF-ELSE-FI flow command package)
to enable the "noise" associated with IF execution (which informs the user
of the state of the IF he is currently in) to be turned off, so IFs can run
without any additional text presented on the screen.

       I am finishing up the draft of the installation manual tonight,
and will send it out with ZCPR3, its system segments (RCPs, FCPs, etc), and
several of its utilities tomorrow to the Gamma test sites.  These sites
will be concerned primarily with porting ZCPR3 into different environs
based on the instruction in the installation manual.  I anticipate no
problems other than those associated with rewriting the installation manual
so it is more clear.

       Release of the ZCPR3 System is set for the end of May to SIG/M.
This is a realistic date, and I anticipate no problem in meeting it.
It will be available on SIMTEL20 shortly after its release.

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