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Date   : Mon, 23 Apr 1984102:06:00-PST
From   : christe@Rand-Unix.ARPA
Subject: Re: Wanted: Osborne I Termcap

The Osborne I emulates the Televideo terminal, so you can just use the
v1|tvi912.... termcap from /etc/termcap (I have included it below).

v1|tvi912|912|920|tvi920|old televideo:if=/usr/lib/tabset/std:\
       :al=33*\EE:am:bs:ce=\ET:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cl=^Z:co#80:dc=\EW:dl=33*\ER:ei=:\
       :ma=^K^P^L :sg=1:ug=1:

If you need to run at 52 cols, change co#80 in line 2 to co#52.  It is
useful to set a few other lines in the .login file:

stty tabs new cr0 nl0 ff0 erase 
echo -n ')m'
set term=tvi912

I have had no trouble using this to work from home across an ancient
Anderson-Jacobs 300 baud modem using OTERM as the modem program and
running my browncase (version 1.3) O1 as a terminal for a Vax780.

If you need more info, let me know.

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