Date : Sun, 29 Apr 1984 19:10:00 MDT (Sun)
From : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: Update of MDM7xx overlay list
Dennis Recla has just released an updated list of all overlays known
to him. We don't have all these at SIMTEL20, but if you need one we
don't have you can call the numbers listed at the end of his list.
If you find it necessary to do this I would appreciate it very much if
you would attempt to get the file to me via netmail or FTP (contact me
first for instructions on where to send it).
uucp/Usenet: ...!decvax!brl-bmd!w8sdz
---file MDM7-OVL.LST---
MDM7xx Overlay list as of 04/29/84
Rev. 1.4 Dennis Recla
Locate your computer system in the list to find the proper overlay
to use with the various versions of MDM7xx.
MDM7xx Overlay Name
Preferred Vers. Older vers. Computer Discription
MDM7ABC.ASM Archives Business Computer
MDM7ADDS.ASM ADDS Multivision overlay
M7AC+3.ASM M7AC-1.ASM MDM711AC.ASM AppleCat II Overlay
M7AJ-1.ASM M7JC-2.ASM Apple J-Cat Overlay
M7AL5-1.ASM M7AL-1.ASM Altos Series 5 Overlay
M7AL8-1.ASM Altos Series 8000 Overlay
M7AM-1.ASM Apple W/MTN. Comp. CPS
M7AP+3.ASM M7AP-1.ASM MDM711AP.ASM Apple II overlay
M7AQ-3.ASM M714A3.ASM Apple with MicroModem
M7AMPRO.ASM Ampro Little Board
MDM712BB.ASM Big Board I
M7C3-1.ASM CP/M 3.0 AUX DEV Overlay
M7CD-1.ASM MDM7CROT.ASM Cromemco TUART @50 hex
M7-2710.ASM MDM711CC.ASM Calif. Comp. 2710 board
M7-2719.ASM M7CC2719.ASM Calif. Comp. 2719 board
MDM7DB.ASM Dynabyte Serial port 1
M7DP-1.ASM MDM711DP.ASM DataPoint 1560 Overlay
MDM7DUR.ASM Durango series ovelay
M7EP-2.ASM M7EP-1.ASM M712EP.ASM Epson QX-10 overlay
M7EGL-1.ASM M7EG-1.ASM Eagle II and III overlay
M7GP-1.ASM MDM711GP.ASM General Purpose overlay
M7H8-4A.ASM M7H8-1.ASM Heath/Zenith 89 overlay
M7HP-1.ASM MDM712HP.ASM MDM711HP.ASM Hewlett Packard 125
M7HZ-1.ASM MDM711HZ.ASM Heath/Zenith 100 overlay (2661)
M7IB7102.ASM Ibex Model 7102 overlay
M7IM-2.ASM MDM7IMS.ASM IMS 5000 series overlay
M7IN-2.ASM M7IN-1.ASM Interfacer 3/4 overlay
MDM711I3.ASM Interfacer 3 Overlay
M7ISB-1.ASM Intertec Super Brain Overlay
M7KP-2.ASM M7KP-1.ASM MDM711KP.ASM Kaypro overlay
M7LO-1.ASM M712LO.ASM Lobo Max-80 overlay
M7MD-1.ASM MDM711MD.ASM Morrow MD I & II overlay
MDM7MIO.ASM Intersystems MIO board @80hex
M7MM+4.ASM M7MM-1.ASM MDM711MM.ASM Morrow Multi I/O overlay
M7NA-1.ASM M712NA.ASM North Star Advantage overlay
M7NE-1.ASM MDM711NE.ASM NEC PC-8001 overlay
M7NH-2.ASM M7NH-1.ASM North Star Horizon w/HSIO-4
MDM7NS.ASM M712NS.ASM North Star Horizon port B
M7NSP-1.ASM MDM711SP.ASM National Semi. Starplex
MDM7NT.ASM Northern Telecom system
M7OA-1.ASM MDM712OT.ASM Otrona Attache overlay
M7OS-1.ASM MDM711OS.ASM Osborne overlay ext. modem
M7OS-1NE.ASM with Nuevo Eq. 80 Col. card
M7-OSCP.ASM Osborne with DATACOMM modem
M7OD-4.ASM Osborne with COMM-PAC modem
M7OX-1.ASM MDM711OX.ASM Osborne Executive overlay
M7P1-1.ASM PMC Micromate 101
M7PC-1.ASM M712PC.ASM IBM with Baby Blue Z-80
M7PM-1.ASM M712PM.ASM PMMI S-100 Overlay
MDM7QUAY.ASM Quay Series
M7R1-3.ASM MDM7TRS1.ASM M7R1-1.ASM TRS-80 Model I
M7R3-1.ASM TRS-80 Model III
M7R4-4.ASM M7TR4-1.ASM TRS-80 Model IV
M730RV.ASM M724RV.ASM M7RV-1.ASM Racal Vadic VA212PA overlay
M7RV3451.ASM Racal Vadic 3451 overlay
M7SBC-1.ASM MDM7SBC.ASM Superbrain Compustar overlay
M7SD-1.ASM SD Systems SD200
MDM7SOL.ASM Processor Tech. SOL overlay
M7SY-3.ASM M7SY-1.ASM MDM711SY.ASM Sanyo MBC-1000 Overlay
M7S1-1.ASM Sanyo MBC-1100 overlay
M7TV-1.ASM MDM711TV.ASM Televideo TS-802 overlay
MDM7TV3.ASM Televideo TS-803 overlay
M7US-2.ASM M7US-1.ASM U.S. Robotics S-100 board
M7VG-1.ASM MDM7VG3.ASM Vector Graphics 3 & 4
M7VIO-1.ASM MDM7VIO.ASM Ithaca VIO board w/2651
M7VT-2.ASM M7VT-1.ASM MDM712VT.ASM DEC Vt-180/Rainbow overlay
M7XE-1.ASM MDM711XE.ASM Xerox 820 overlay
M7XSMB-1.ASM MDM711XI.ASM Xitan SMB board w/6850
M7ZB-1.ASM MDM712ZB.ASM Telcon Zorba overlay
The overlay file on the left is the prefered version for the various MDM7
overlays. Usually the difference means the the SET command is active and
will allow for changing the Baud rate from the modem program and not have
to use an external 'SETUP' programs.
Be sure that when you use DDT to overlay the proper HEX file on the various
MDM7xx.COM programs that you SAVE the proper amount of Memory to the .COM
file. As MDM7xx has grown the SAVE size has also increased, so don't use
the SAVE size in the overlay unless you are using it on the the identified
MDM7xx program.
Good luck with your overlay..
If there are any NEW computer or S-100 board MDM7xx overlays not on this
list please upload them to Dave Crane's RCP/M (214-931-8274) or to the
Technical CBBS (313-846-6127) for inclusion in this list or contact me
on my up and down RCP/M at (214-681-4789; always 300 but usually 300/1200)
Dennis Recla