Date : Wed, 16 May 1984 08:02:24 EDT (Wednesday)
From : Tom Reid <treid@Mitre-Gateway.ARPA>
Subject: JRT Pascal
The newest issue of the Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 (May/June 1984,
Vol. 3, No. 3) states that the newly announced JRT Systems Modula-2
compiler, Version 1.0 does not, repeat does not, include (1) the cardinal
data type, (2) opaque types, (3) procedure variables, (4) multiprocessing,
(5) local variables, (6) WITH statement, (7) ELSEIF statement, and (8)
open array parameters.
They say that the above will be corrected in Version 1.1 with "free"
updates. I am still leery of JRT until I read a "real" review which
includes assurances that their version is a faithful reproduction of
"TRUE" Modula-2 and is portable to other implementations.
I would like to hear from anyone who is freer with their $99 than I can be.
I will summarize those responses that are not also cc'ed to the net.
Maybe if 20 of us could syndicate $5 each for someone to review it?
For those who really trip the light fantastic, JRT is coming out with Ada
for IBM, CP/M, and 68000 already. Now we can sleep well at night.