Date : Sun, 03 Jun 1984109:47:00-EDT
From : jrv@Mitre-Bedford.ARPA
Subject: Wnat is a good CP/M computer to buy?
I've had good luck with two North Star Advantage computers.
They have been reasonably reliable, they have good graphics and
CPM implementation (including a GOOD assembly-language interface with the
graphics), and a really solid keyboard. The things I've
not liked: no software support (the manuals are good, but
there aren't any listings of the BIOS and North Star doesn't
want to hear from you), and hard sectored disks (unlike the rest
of the world).
On the other hand, I have to admit that the Z-100 is a better
computer, and will run any CP/M programs that don't require
a Z-80. Check the prices.
Jim (