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Date   : Wed, 13 Jun 1984 22:32:56-EDT
From   : Edward Huang <PGS.G.EH%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Prom Erasure

I have a Sylvania F6T5BL "black light" tube, it gives off
a purpulish glow... It doesnt seem to erase my EPROMS
but is the same kind used in that BYTE article. Could it
be that programming an EPROM several times require longer
erasure times???? or do I have the wrong UV tube?
In any case, the idea of UV light, +25v besides blown
eproms and melted power supplies is making me go toward
the new EEPROM (Seeq and Xicor +5v EEPROM) -- does anyone
know how to order these things from the distributors,
often rude and only cater to orders of 10000's ??
thank very much -Ed
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