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Date   : Thu, 14 Jun 1984 07:41:22-EDT (Thu)
From   : hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!floyd!vax135!ukc!west44!kbrown@Ucb-Vax.arpa
Subject: Dobbs screen editor offered.

In the Dr Dobbs journal (No 63, Jan '82) was published a screen
editor for cpm systems. I have typed the thing in and will post it
to anyone as a shar archive who mails me on the net or contacts
me at,
               Westfield College,
               University of London,
               Kidderpore Avenue,
               London  NW3 7ST.
It's not 'vi' but it's better than nothing!!
Written requests on the back of a twenty pound note please!!

               Keith Brown.


"Specialist subject, the bleedin' obvious!!"

             Keith Brown  ....!ukc!root44!west44!kbrown
                          ( And other leading Usenet paths )
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