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Date   : Sun, 08 Jul 1984 23:53:00 MDT (Sun)
From   : "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: MICRO:<SIGM.VOL165> Reloaded

The files in the subject directory have been reloaded due to problems
with the original uploaded files.

My thanks to those who discovered the problems and reported the
situation.  If problems are discovered with any files in
MICRO:<SIGM.*>, <CPMUG.*>, <PC-BLUE.*>, or <UNIX.*>, let me know.

Note: as many of you who are able to use FTP to SIMTEL20 have
discovered, the use of CWD (Change Working Directory) does NOT work
with the ANONYMOUS FTP Login.  Please don't bother to try it until you
see an announcement from me that something has been worked out.

After going through three disk controllers and associated software, I
have (finally!) been able to transfer Rick's 10 ZCPR3 and 4 SYSLIB3 8"
disks to N* format, and all CRCs match!  The disks are now ready to be
uploaded and should be available before the weekend.  Look for another
announcement.  (Anybody have a *working* CCS2422 Rev B driver for
TurboDOS 1.22 or 1.3 that doesn't generate memory parity errors, or
know why a DJDMA Rev 3B decides it can only read double density disks
under CP/M 2.2, contact me.)

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