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Date   : Mon, 09 Jul 1984 12:53:31 EDT
From   : David Towson (CSD) <towson@Amsaa.ARPA>
Subject: Re: XLISP on SIMTEL20? (REQUEST)

Jody - Here is a collection of messages pertaining to XLISP.  Please let me
know if you successfully obtain a copy, and how.


Received: From Brl-Bmd.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp;  1 Jan 84 22:57 EST
Date:     Sun, 1 Jan 84 22:43:51 EST
From:     Paul Broome <broome@brl-bmd>
To:       BRINT <abc@brl-bmd>
cc:       steve@brl-bmd, broome@brl-bmd, howard@brl-bmd, towson@amsaa
Subject:  Re:  XLISP

Here's a message on XLISP I had filed away long ago.  It sounds very
interesting; it's theme is object oriented programming in LISP.  Since
he referred to the book LISP by Winston and Horn in building it, it'll
look like MACLISP.  Can  you pick up a copy to run under UNIX also?   -p

Date: 18 Mar 83 17:48:51-PST (Fri)
To: info-micro@brl.arpa
From: David Betz <decvax!betz (David Betz)@ucb-vax.arpa>
Subject: New XLISP release
Article-I.D.: decvax.441
Received: from Usenet.uucp by SRI-Unix.uucp with rs232; 19 Mar 83 0:03-PST
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Received: From Brl-Bmd.ARPA via smtptcp;  19 Mar 83 10:42 EST
Received: From Brl.ARPA via smtptcp;  19 Mar 83 10:48 EST

XLISP: An Experimental Object Oriented Language       Page 1

XLISP is an experimental programming language combining some
of  the  features  of LISP with an object oriented extension
capability.  It was  implemented  to  allow  experimentation
with  object oriented programming on small computers.  There
are currently implementations running on  the  PDP-11  under
RSX,  RT-11,  and  UNIX-V7,  on the VAX-11 under VAX/VMS and
Berkeley VAX/UNIX and on the Z-80 running CP/M-80 (the  CP/M
version  was  compiled  using  the AZTEC C compiler).  It is
completely written in the programming language  'C'  and  is
believed  to  be  easily  extended with user written builtin
functions and classes.  It is available in source form  free
of charge and is in the public domain.

Many traditional LISP functions are built  into  XLISP.   In
addition,   XLISP   defines  the  object  classes  'Object',
'Class', and 'Keymap' as primitives.  'Object' is  the  only
class  that  has  no superclass and hence is the root of the
class heirarchy.  'Class' is the class of which all  classes
are  instances (it is the only object that is an instance of
itself).  'Keymap' is a class whose instances  are  mappings
from input key sequences to messages.

This version of XLISP is much improved over the version that
I  submitted  to net.sources a while ago.  The code has been
cleaned up to allow  it  to  compile  without  errors  under
Berkley  UNIX  (actually  there is still one warning message
generated  having  something  to  do  with  a  zero   length
structure  member,  but  it  can be ignored).  The functions
with names that parallel LISP function names  actually  work
the  same  as  their  counterparts  in  LISP  (my source for
information on 'real' LISP was the book 'LISP',  by  Patrick
Henry  Winston  and  Berthold  Klaus Paul Horn, published by
Addison Wesley).  The keymap functions  have  gone  away  in
favor   of   a  'Keymap'  class  that  implements  the  same
functionality.  The internal representation of  objects  has
changed such that objects now take about half the space that
they took before.  I have introduced an 'Object' class  that
is  at  the  top  of  the  class heirarchy and provides some
useful default messages like 'isnew' so that you don't  have
to  provide  an  'isnew' message for a class whose instances
don't need initialization.

I hope to resubmit XLISP to net.sources sometime in the next
few weeks.  If anyone is interested in a version of XLISP to
run on Z-80s under CP/M-80, contact  me  directly  as  there
were  some  changes  to  the  sources necessary to get it to
compile under the AZTEC C compiler (by the way, I  have  had
very  good  luck  with  the AZTEC C compiler.  It is sold by
MANX software systems in Shrewsbury, NJ)

XLISP is available from:

    David Betz
    114 Davenport Ave.
    Manchester, NH  03103
XLISP: An Experimental Object Oriented Language       Page 2

    home:       (603) 625-4691
    work:       (603) 881-2188
    usenet:     decvax!betz
XLISP: An Experimental Object Oriented Language       Page 3

Classes and Messages:

        isnew           default initialization message
        print           default print message
        show            default show message
        class           return the class of an object
        sendsuper       send an object's superclass a message

        new             create a new instance
        isnew           initialize a new class
        ivars           define the instance variables
        cvars           define the class variables
        answer          define a method for a message

        isnew           initialize a new keymap instance
        key             define a key mapping
        process         process input using the keymap

The LISP functions included with XLISP are:

    List functions:
        car     cdr     cons    cond    atom    eq
        list    append  null    listp   equal   read
        reverse length  nth     print   princ   set
        setq    eval    quote   defun

    I/O functions:
        fopen   fclose  getc    putc    fgets   fputs

    String functions:
        strcat  strlen  substr  ascii   chr     atoi

    Arithmetic functions:
        +       -       *       /       %       &
        |       ~       min     max     abs

    Boolean functions:
        &&      ||      !

    Relational functions:
        <       <=      ==      !=      >=      >

    Control functions:
        if      while   foreach exit

    Utility functions:
        load    mem     gc      alloc   expand

Received: From Brl-Bmd.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp;  5 Jan 84 12:35 EST
Date:     Thu, 5 Jan 84 12:31:19 EST
From:     BRINT <abc@brl-bmd>
To:       towson@amsaa
Subject:  [betz:  Re: XLISP]


       What is SIG/M?  Can we easily get software from them?


----- Forwarded message # 1:

Received: From Ucb-Vax.ARPA by BRL-BMD via smtp;  5 Jan 84 11:59 EST
Received: by UCB-VAX.ARPA (4.22/4.18)
       id AA01905; Thu, 5 Jan 84 08:59:28 pst
Received: by decvax.UUCP (4.12/4.13)
       id AA16492; Thu, 5 Jan 84 10:33:22 est
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 84 10:33:22 est
From: decvax!betz@Berkeley (David Betz)
Message-Id: <8401051533.AA16492@decvax.UUCP>
To: decvax!betz@Berkeley, abc@brl-bmd.ARPA
Subject: Re:  XLISP

You can now order XLISP from SIG/M.  I'm not sure what the volume number is
for it.  You can also get it from DECUS.  It comes in CP/M format from SIG/M
and RT-11 format from DECUS.  I have recompiled the same source code for
VMS, UNIX V7 and Berkeley UNIX as well as CP/M-80.  You also might be interested
to know that I have a new LISP interpreter called OBLISP.  It fixes some of the
problems that XLISP had as well as being somewhat more compatible with 'real'
LISP.  It still supports object oriented programming.  It also has a builtin
function called 'prove' that is a simple prolog style theorm prover.  Actually
it is just a C implementation of a program called PIL that was distributed
over the NET a while ago.  I will be submitting this new version of LISP to
Dr. Dobbs Journal soon.  I will also be sending it to SIG/M.  I am sorry to
say that I am no longer accepting floppy disks sent directly to me.  I had
too much trouble with people sending the wrong kind of floppies or not enough
return postage, etc.  I was thinking of making the software available for a
small fee (like $25) with the understanding that once you ordered a copy, you
could make as many copies as you wanted and give them to your friends.  The
software really is in the public domain.  I just don't know of a good way of
distributing it.

       David Betz

P.S.  What are you planning on doing with XLISP/OBLISP?

----- End of forwarded messages
Received: From Brl-Bmd.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp;  27 Dec 83 19:59 EST
Date:     Tue, 27 Dec 83 19:49:36 EST
From:     BRINT <abc@brl-bmd>
To:       steve@brl-bmd, broome@brl-bmd, howard@brl-bmd
cc:       towson@amsaa
Subject:  XLISP

Do any of you know anything about XLISP (se following)?  Is
this public domain?  Is it anything like Pure Lisp, Franx, or

I suppose the floppy is to be an 8" variety.



Date: 28 Apr 83 10:52:46-PDT (Thu)
To: info-micro@brl.arpa
From: David Betz <decvax!betz (David Betz)@ucb-vax.arpa>
Subject: New distribution policy for XLISP
Article-I.D.: decvax.524
Received: from Usenet.uucp by SRI-Unix.uucp with rs232; 29 Apr 83 1:34-PDT

I have received a large number of requests from people who have not received
parts of the last XLISP distribution.  For a while I was honoring requests
to send individuals the files that they were missing.  Then, when that became
unreasonable due to the number of requests, I reposted several of the
original files.  Even then I got requests from people who hadn't gotten either
the original version or the redistributed version.  Because of all of this I
have decided that net.sources isn't a reliable way of distributing a program
as large as XLISP.  Rather than replying to each of the people who sent me
mail, I am sending this news article to explain my next plan for distributing
XLISP.  Would anyone who wants a copy of XLISP please send me a stamped,
self addressed SSSD floppy at the following address:

       David Betz
       Digital Equipment Corporation
       110 Spit Brook Rd.
       Nashua, NH  03062

Please specify whether you want the disk in CP/M format, RT-11 format,
VMS format, or UNIX (tar) format.

I'm sorry about this being a less than convienient form of distribution,
but I don't think that its fair to the rest of the users of the network
to continue sending the large XLISP distribution files over and over
again just so that the few people who didn't receive them correctly the
first time can have another chance.

David Betz

Received: From Brl-Vgr.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp;  3 Feb 84 14:12 EST
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Received: from ISL by SUMEX-AIM with Pup; Fri 3 Feb 84 11:03:05-PST
Date: Friday,  3 Feb 1984 11:02-PST
To: info-micro@brl
Subject: xlisp
Reply-to: kevinw@su-dsn
From: kevinw@su-dsn
Sender: kevinw%isl@BRL.ARPA

has anyone had any success with xlisp from simtel-20?  i downloaded
it and the checksums verified but i can't get it to run under unix
after recompiling and the canned version has bombed two different
machines running cpm (z80 and 8085).  it sounds like a great program
but if it doesn't work...

thanks for any assistance,
  -- Kevin
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