Date : Wed, 11 Jul 1984 10:01:10+0100 (Wednesday)
From : Hirst.rx@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: CBBS for CP/M
Russ & Jim,
The full address is
Randy Suess
5219 West Warwick
You can obtain this software (2 or 3 S/S S/D 8" disks) from any SYSOP
using CBBS, but payment should still be made to Randy ($50).
You can of course dial into this first CBBS at (312) 543-8086
For those of you who are not aware, CBBS is written in 8080 code, is
assembled with the Public domain LINKASM (~25K), has significant help
files, supports messages and binary transfer and contains flags for a
variety of applications. My version even supports private messages. CBBS
was originally written by Ward C & Randy.