Date : Mon, 16 Jul 1984 05:04:14-PDT (Mon)
From : ihnp4!ihuxk!
Subject: C Compiler for CP/M-80?
I am considering the possibility of purchasing a C compiler for use
on my home computer which has a cpm based operating system. I have
read the articles in the August 83 issue of BYTE - The Unix C complier
in a CP/M Environment, and Five C Compilers for CP/M-80, and have
reached a conclusion similar to Kern's about the five compilers he
reviewed, namely that the compiler should adhere to the Kernighan &
Ritchie standard, perform compilations rapidly and have clean
implementation, and be reasonably priced. Of the compilers mentioned
in the article, the Aztec, BDS and C/80 seem to fill the bill.
I would like to hear from anyone who has experience with these
compilers preferably with more than one and can make a valid
comparison. I would also like to hear from anyone who might know
of a compiler that was not mentioned in the article, but meets the
criteria. The upper price limit for this is about $250.
Mail replies to ihuxk!db21. If there is sufficient response and/or
information not mentioned in the articles, I will try to summarize
for the net. Thanks in advance for your help.
Dave Beyerl