Date : Wed, 15 Aug 1984 10:44:21-PDT
From : Sam Hahn <Samuel@SU-SCORE.ARPA>
Subject: Re: C/PM 2.2 vs. 3.0 question/User Groups in LA
I've had 3.0 running since March, and have had NO problems with the
software that I own. All of it trundled over to 3.0 with nary a sneeze.
One thing to be careful of is that xfcb (extended file control blocks) will
not appear correctly to 2.2 if you take a 3.0 disk and try to read it
under 2.2. That's ok, though, because you can turn xfcb-making on or off,
or even delete xfcb's.
Another thing to watch out for is fancy shell-programs that assume the ccp
does what it does in 2.2. (Since I own no fancy shell-programs, I guess
my first paragraph isn't as strong as it might appear).
-- sam