Date : Fri, 31 Aug 1984 23:24:00 MDT (Fri)
From : "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: PLOT33 Package available
PLOT33 has been contributed to the public domain collection on
SIMTEL20 by Thomas E. Speer at AFIT. This system will do high
resolution graphics on a variety of dot matrix printers, and is being
used at the Air Force Institute of Technology for purposes ranging
from data plotting to VLSI design check points.
The package consists of the user's guide documentation for the entire
system, the assembly language source for the dot matrix driver, Turbo
Pascal, FORTRAN-80, and MBASIC plot packages, and sample programs. A
C library is being debugged.
Printers supported include the Epson MX-80 etc., CItoh Prowriter,
Okidata 92, NEC, Gemini-10, Apple Dot Matrix, and IDS printers.
PLOT33 lets you treat your printer as if it were a plotter capable of
true vector graphics. Your application program "plots" by writing
simple plot commands to a disk file. This file is the key to the
whole system because it makes the application program independent of
the plotting device and vice versa. It also makes it possible to plot
pictures that were created on different computers, or to plot the same
picture on different types of hardware, such as CRTs and printers.
Future drivers are being planned for creating and interpreting the
vector command file on mainframe computers using CALCOMP or Tektronix
plotters and terminals.
Here's the standard CRC list of the files available on SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes Sectors CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.PLOT33>
FILLS.BAS.1 ASCII 723 6 = 6H 8558H
GRAF.F.1 ASCII 43047 337 = 151H 379EH
GRAF.FQ.1 COM 23552 184 = B8H F997H
GRAF1.PAS.1 ASCII 16863 132 = 84H 779BH
GRAF2.PAS.1 ASCII 18855 148 = 94H B0FFH
GRAPH.BAS.1 ASCII 9028 71 = 47H 9066H
HANDPLOT.BAS.1 ASCII 22477 176 = B0H 93B2H
PLOT33.AQM.1 COM 44416 347 = 15BH FC55H
PLOT33.ASM.1 ASCII 74560 583 = 247H F92DH
PLOT33.DOC.1 ASCII 74617 583 = 247H 9E0FH
PLOT33.DQC.1 COM 38400 300 = 12CH 3C2DH
TEST.BAS.1 ASCII 1451 12 = CH 9AA4H
TEST.PAS.1 ASCII 2338 19 = 13H 41CDH
UPLOAD.BAS.1 ASCII 10135 80 = 50H 811DH