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Date   : Sun, 16 Sep 1984 03:09:00 MDT (Sun)
From   : "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: MODEL II TRSDOS (Scriptsit II) => CP/M transfers?

Although our secretary does very well at remembering the command sets
for three different editors, we would like to cut it down to two...

You see, we have a bunch of files on Scriptsit II disks for a TRS-80
Model II.  We would like to copy them over to CP/M disks on the same
machine to have the documents eventually usable with WordStar.  The
one utility we have doesn't seem to like these Scriptsit disks (maybe
because they are double density, or not "real" TRSDOS disks, or ...)

So, we would like to know if such a CP/M utility exists that would
make the conversion, if it is in the public domain, and where can we
get/buy a copy of the program?

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