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Date   : Sun, 16 Sep 1984 11:42:10-CDT
From   : Douglas Good <CMP.DOUG@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>
Subject: XMODEM93 on Kaypro IV

I have been having trouble getting Xmodem93 to work on my Kaypro IV. I have
been using the overlay for Zilog S-I/O which says it will work with a
Kaypro and an external modem. It seems to work fine until I run it under
RCPM and then for some reason it doesn't work. After it is run it waits
until someone types something and then gives the standard Xmodem message
about sending or receiving files but then it just sits there and spins
the disk drive. Does anyone have any ideas?

               Thanks in advance,
               Doug Good
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