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Date   : Sun, 16 Sep 1984 17:49:22 EDT (Sun)
From   : Mail System <ihnp4!bentley!daemon@ucb-vax.ARPA>
Subject: Drew is on vacation thru 9/22/84

This is a recording...

Your mail has been received and will be held for me in the
almost capable file system of our bentley VAX.  With any luck,
your message will still be there when I return.  (After all,
it isn't *every* week that we have a head crash, is it?).

I am on vacation for the week of 9/16 thru 9/22.  If you
have something urgent, you can contact Doris Tillman.
She has my delegation for the week.  She can be reached on
(201)981-2215 or via mail to bentley!dpt.  Her office is PY2E340.

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