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Date   : Wed, 19 Sep 1984 11:06:00 MDT (Wed)
From   : Richard Conn <RCONN@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: ZCPR3 Phase 3

Subject: ZCPR3 Phase 2

Hi --

       ZCPR3 Phase 2 went out to Echelon today.  It looks like Beta
Testing and online doc is finally done.  Should know for sure in a day
or two.

       Phase 2 includes the following:

               VFILER for ZCPR3
               VMENU for ZCPR3
               DU3 for ZCPR3
               MU3 for ZCPR3 (MEMORY UTILITY)
               DEBUG.RCP - MU3 in an RCP, which can be used as a shell
               Other miscellaneous tools

               Z3LIB - complete source code and HLP
               VLIB - complete source code and HLP

       Source and object were included with all tools.  Only DEBUG.RCP
needs to be reassembled.  The others can be installed by naming them in
an INS file and running Z3INS on them.

       VFILER, VMENU, DU3, and MU3 are screen-oriented and use the Z3TCAP

       ZCPR3 Phase 2 will be released thru SIG/M as Phase 1 was.

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