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Date   : Tue, 25 Sep 1984 13:11:46-PDT (Tue)
From   : hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!lanl-a!jp@Ucb-Vax.arpa
Subject: Questions for Laser Jet users

I am now the proud owner of an HP Laser Jet Printer.  The print quality
is fantastic.  Before I embark on a modification of Wordstar to let me
use micro-justification with it, I thought I would ask if anyone has 
already tackled the problem.  The difficulty is in setting the Horizontal
and Vertical motion Indices (HMI & VMI).  As configured for daisywheel
printers W* sends <esc> <char> <binary number>.  The Laser Jet needs
<esc> <char> <char> <Ascii representation of a number> <char>.  Not only
is the numeric info imbedded in the string but it must be converted to ASCII!!
The other question of interest is:  Has anyone had any experience with
the graphics capability of the Laser Jet??  It appears straightforward
to use graphics to generate special symbols imbedded in text, but given
the limited (59K) memory it does not seem possible to draw line graphs, etc.
Of course, bit mapped graphics 8" X 10" X 300 dots X 300 dots/in is


Jim Potter  jp@LANL
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