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Date   : Thu, 27 Sep 1984 09:32:19-PDT (Thursday)
From   : Jim moore <MOORE.LOSANGEL%ibm-sj.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
Subject: Kaypro-10/Diablo 630 interface troubles

I have a PERSISTENT problem using my 630 at 1200 baud (serial) on my
K-10.  The symptom is that when the K-10 sends more than a buffer-full
to the 630, the handshake is fumbled and EVERY TIME a single character
is dropped.  What is particularly strange, is that the same 630 works
fine with my K-2 and K-4, as well as Osborne and even Northstar (on the
same test file)!
My local dealer and even Kaypro themselves seem to be at a loss to explain
or fix this problem.  Kaypro seems to believe that I am the only person
who is having this problem.  Am I?  To their credit, they seem to be
really trying to fix the problem -- they replaced the main boards free
in both my K-10s -- unfortunately, the issue remains.
Is there anyone out there who has both a Kaypro-10 and a Diablo 630?  Do
they interface properly at 1200 baud and more than one 630-buffer load?
If so, what version ROM (the first number you see when it cold boots) and
CP/M do you have?  If not, what have you tried to fix it and did it work?
Note, this problem is NOT related to any particular piece of software; it
is evidenced by "type testfile.630 <ctl-P><CR>".
Thanks for anything ...
Jim Moore
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