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Date   : Thu, 27 Sep 1984 13:41:55-PDT (Thu)
From   : hplabs!sdcrdcf!trwrba!cepu!bmcg!mikel@Ucb-Vax.arpa
Subject: How do I envoke a self created SUBMIT file in CPM86

[Row, row, row your bits, gently down the stream...]

I have a program that creates a submit file ($$$.SUB) with the necessary
commands do a predefined procedure.  I have a program in C that creates the
file, but it will not envoke the file unless I reset the machine.  Is there
anyone out there who can steer me in the right direction to execute this file
after its created?  I am running CPM86 Ver 1.0 on a 8" floppy system.  I am
using Computer Innovations CI86 'C' compiler.

Mike Lesher
Burroughs ASG, San Diego, CA.
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