Date : Mon, 08 Oct 1984 08:45:00 EST
From : haar%gmr.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA
Subject: GSX-80
Does anyone out there know what is happening with Digital Research's GSX-80,
their graphics system extension?
I have an S-100 system running CP/M Plus and would like to add bit-mapped
graphics capability and develop some window-based software. GSX-80 sounds
like a reasonable software base but I have been unable to get any info
about it from DR. Is GSX-80 still alive ? (Is DR still alive?). Do any of
the graphics hardware vendors support it?
I am hoping to use CP/M Plus memory banking to build a single-user,
multi-tasking extension based on a window manager. Other than the window
system itself, the biggest problem seems to be file handling. Does anyone
know of any fundamental problems in using CP/M 3.0 this way. Does D.R.
have any intentions to introduce additional CP/M-80 products?
Thanks for any advice you can give.
Bob Haar