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Date   : Thu, 03 Jan 1985 08:44:00 MST (Thu)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: KERMIT and USQ for TURBO Pascal

Date: Wednesday, 2 January 1985  13:00-MST
From: B.Eiben LCG Ext 617-467-4431 <EIBEN at DEC-MARLBORO>
Re:   TKERMIT.LBR and USQ.PQS for TURBO Pascal

Turbo Pascal is alive and well - here two major pieces in TURBO.

TKERMIT.LBR holds V1.1 of CP/M Kermit - using I/O byte redirection (currently
set for DEC-VT180 - but easily changed to other systems supporting the I/O
byte). ASCII (text) and Binary transfers supported up to 4800 Baud ! Directory
and ERase command, port-setting etc... Documentation included for the owner
of other systems.

USQ.PQS is the TURBO implementation of USQ - tested on CP/M,CPM-86 and MSDOS

Thanks to Jeff Duncan (LSM.DUNCAN@DEC-Marlboro) - who also promised to "bless"
the opposite piece SQ.PAS
                               Have a happy New Year!

The above files are available via ANONYMOUS ftp from Simtel20:

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

TKERMIT.LBR.1                  COM      50048  447DH
USQ.PQS.1                      COM       5632  8F5AH

They are stored in ITS-binary format.  Questions on format to

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