Date : Mon, 07 Jan 1985107:57:00-MST
From : rocksvax!sunybcs!ugdaves%rochester.uucp@Seismo.ARPA
Subject: Prometheus ProModem 1200
I have had a ProModem for about a year, and have noticed that some of
the things that are mentioned in the manual are not true. For
instance, if the line is busy the manual says that the modem should
detect the busy signal, hang up and try again. This does not happen.
Also if you have the options processor installed you have the ability
to create logon macros, which I have not been able to get to work as
of yet. Another problem with the options processor, is with its
ability to send and receive messages at preset times, this does not
work either. When attempting to receive, it will answer the phone,
detect carrier and then hang up. Other than these problems, I have
been satisfied with the operation of the modem. If anyone has had the
same problems, and knows of a solution please send me mail. Also if
you have any other problems, send mail. If there are many responses I
will summarize to the net.
Thank you, Dave
..{burdvax, rocksvax, bbncca, decvax, dual, rocksanne, watmath}!sunybcs!ugdaves