Date : Thu, 10 Jan 1985 00:28:47 GMT
From : Michael Cooper <mikec%reed.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Unix for CP/M 2.1 or > on a z80
[ Some day this line will rise above poverty and strike revenge... ]
Does anybody know of any types of utilities to make a z80 running
CP/M 2.1 Unix-like. I'm looking for things like full i/o redirection that
"overlays" over the CP/M like a shell (command interpretuer) that will
provide Unix features. Someone told me about one called "microshell" but
I can't find reference anywhere to it.
Michael Cooper
{decvax, ucbvax, pur-ee, uw-beaver, masscomp, cbosg,
mit-ems, psu-cs, uoregon, orstcs, ihnp4, uf-cgrl}!tektronix
{teneron, ogcvax, muddcs, cadic, oresoft, grpwre, /
psu-cs, omen, isonvax, nsc-pdc}---+