Date : Thu, 31 Jan 1985 08:54:20 cst
From : Daniel Grayson <grayson%uiucuxc@Uiuc.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Need HELP with SUBMIT
Using submit on any disk involves a simple patch to SUBMIT - changing
one byte causes it to put the $$$.SUB file on A: instead of the current
disk, so that the CCP can find it.
Anyway, I've been using ZCPR2 for so long, the issue is academic for
me. ZEX works much better because it is memory based, and EX will do the
same on any CPM system.
Thanks for the feedback.
uucp: {ihnp4,pur-ee}!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!grayson
Dan Grayson, Math Dept, Univ of Ill, Urbana 61801