Date : Fri, 01 Feb 1985 22:55:34 GMT
From : Ruben Ramirez-Mitchell <ruben%ut-ngp.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Microshell, Microtools and Microtree
You can get Microshell from
New Generation Systems, INC
1800 MIchael Faraday Drive, Suite 206
Reston, Virginia, 22090
(703) 471-5598
I would also check Microtools, and MicroTree. I just bought MicroTree from
them (ls, cd, pwd, tree, mv, cp, rm, mkdir, rmdir) and it works very well
(it maps user areas to named directories). I run all three programs under
MPM-816, but I have also used Microshell and Microtools under CP/M-80, and
Note that they do not support Microshell under MPM , some things do not work
well in this environment ( no line editor for example, and script files
which cross user and drive boundaries don't work well).
In spite of the problems I found when running Microshell under CP/M-816
and MPM-816 (you loose the command line editor), the features you can use
make it worth it (input and output redirection, pipes, file and drive paths,
delay constants, customizable prompt, and specially their shell language)
It beats SUBMIT, XSUB, IF,..., etc.
Of course, you can only run 8 bit programs under it.
I have dedicated one user (0) in one logical drive in my Hard disk
to COM files and microshell scripts, and have COM versions
of all my important utilities (SQ,LU,USQ,SD,FIND,GREP,etc). I keep the shell
as a detached process and attach to it on a different page of my terminal
(Televideo 950 with 4 pages) any time I want to run an 8 bit prog.
When I got Microtree from New Generations they also included a copy of
'' so I could change directories inside the shell. I might also order
the 8 bit version to be able to use 'cp', 'mv', etc.
Ruben Mitchell
Cell Research Inst.
University of Texas
Austin, Texas, 78712