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Date   : Fri, 08 Feb 1985 16:47:33 GMT
From   : Ruben Ramirez-Mitchell <ruben%ut-ngp.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: General info on NULU (library program)

In reference to the news about NULU11.LBR available now in SIMTEL.

 I have been using  NULU instead of LU for several months
under CP/M-80, CP/M-816 and MPM-816 with no problems. It is an excellent
program if you use libraries. I am using them even more with a large hard
disk than with a floppy system. 

I have noticed only two problems:

- if you use NULU with libraries created with LU you get error messages 
   indicating that the directory has a CRC error. Just ignore the message.

- the second is a real bug- if you extract a library member and specify a
  destination ('du:file.ext'), and you enter the file name in lower case
  then you cannot access the file. Directory listings using SD, for instance,
  show the file name in lower case. Rename does not work, but you can
  rename the file using VFILE, SWEEP, or DISK77.

                   Ruben Mitchell
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