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Date   : Thu, 14 Feb 1985 18:33:00 MST (Thu)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: WILDEXP version 2.0 for BDS-C now available

WILDEXP.C version 2.0, a BDS C Command-line Wild-card expansion
utility written by Leor Zolman is now available from SIMTEL20:

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

Directory MICRO:<CPM.BDSC-1>
WILDEX20.CQ.1                  BINARY    5248  0D5DH

What's new for v2.0:
       User area prefixes on wildcards are now permitted;
       '*' or '?' as user number searches ALL user areas (0-15).
       As usual by BDS C convention: if both a drive spec and a
       user area prefix are used with the same file spec, then
       the user area prefix must be first.

General Description:

WILDEXP lets ambiguous file names appear on the command line to C
programs, automatically expanding the parameter list to contain
all files that fit the afn's.

An afn preceded by a "!" causes all names matching the given afn to
be EXCLUDED from the resulting expansion list. Thus, to yield a
command line containing all files except "COM" files, you'd say:

       A>progname !*.com <cr>

(If a single "!" spec is the only parameter on the command line,
then an implicit "*.*" is assumed to have preceded it.)

Another example: to get all files on B: except .C files, say:

       A>prognam b:*.* !b:*.c <cr>

When giving a "!" afn, "*" chars in the string matches to the end of
either the filename or extension, just like CP/M, but "?" chars match
ONE and ONLY ONE character in either the filename or extension.

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