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Date   : Sat, 16 Feb 1985201:45:00-MST
From   : "B.Eiben LCG Ext 617-467-4431" <EIBEN@dec-marlboro.ARPA>
Subject: FANCYPRT.LBR for DEC LA34, LA100 and LA50 printers

Now available from SIMTEL20's MICRO:<CPM.LIST> directory:

Filename               Type     Bytes   CRC

FANCYPRT.LBR.1         BINARY  136448  1CDBH

is the BDS-C based multiple FONT handler and mini formatter for DEC
LA34's with "graphic option", LA100's and LA50's has been enhanced to
handle multiple pages.  I also changed operation; if FPRINT is called
via FPRINT xxx.xxx, FPRINT will start printing after processing the

The library currently contains 18 FONTS, the included MAKFNT allows
easy alteration and/or creation of new ones.
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