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Date   : Mon, 18 Feb 1985106:44:00-MST
From   : Walt Lamia <LAMIA@dec-marlboro.ARPA>
Subject: Warning on NULU11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       After spending a frustrating couple of hours trying to unpack
the spelling library with NULU, I "accidentally" found that my
troubles were with NULU (10 and 11).  Large files, particularly the
source dictionary SPELL.DQT, do >not< get unsqueezed properly by NULU.
Good ol' LU did OK, though.  At least I think so -- I am comparing the
CP/M results with what I get by using the TOPS20 DE-LBR and USQ
utilities. I used NSWEEP to un-squeeze on the micro, and this seems to
be OK, too.

       The upshot is that I am now very suspicious of NULU, esp.  for
largish files.  If anyone is in contact with the NULU author, Martin
Murray, you might want to pass on this message to him, with a copy of
the failing library SPELL21X.LBR.  I really do like NULU, but,

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