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Date   : Sat, 23 Feb 1985 17:34:00 MST (Sat)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: SIMTEL20 File extensions

    Can someone tell me, or show me where to look, for the meanings of such
    file extensions as *.AQM, *.DQC, *.MQC, *.FQX, *.IQF, *.TQT, *.HQP,
    *.OQT, *.FQB, *.LQT, and *.DQR.  All of these file extensions show up
    on binary files.  Is there a standard that these follow??

On files in the MICRO:<CPM.x> directory on SIMTEL20 the "Q" results
when SQ (the Hoffman file squeezer) has been used on the file.  Just
imagine what the missing letter is and you'll have a good idea what
the file is.  You'll need USQ (the unsqueezer) to restore them to the
original form before they can be read.


The OQT and FQB are special cases.  Those resulted when .OCT and .FEB
(the month of the newsletter in question) were squeezed.

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