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Date   : Sun, 24 Feb 1985 16:32:00 GMT
From   : Sam Chin <tsc2597%acf4.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Anyone have Lomas S-100 systems?


    I own a S-100 based micro with boards from Lomas Data Products. Does
anyone else out in netland have a similiar machine. If so, I would like to
discuss various upgrade options with them. For those unfamiliar with LDP,
they are a competitor of Compupro. They sell S-100 boards and systems such
as 10Mhz 8086 boards, 80286 boards, 3Mb dynamic ram boards etc and they
support CPM/86, MSDOS 2.1 and Concurrent PC-DOS (hopefully UNIX soon).

   Recently, they came out with a 3 Mb dynamic ram board which works with a 
10Mhz 8086 with no wait states. More interestingly, they have a S-100 board
which emulates the video display of an IBM PC. It seems to be quite
compatible to the point where they have an IBM PC keyboard interface on the
display board. According to Rich Lomas, they have developed a version of
MS-DOS 2.1 which runs PC-DOS programs. Amongst the ones they tried are
dBaseII and Lotus 1-2-3 with graphics. Does any one know if Compupro came
out with theirs and how compatible it is.

   I have had my system for 2 years and have been quite satisfied with their
support. Upgrading this system is cheap - a 10Mb hard disk with controller
and PS was only $900. Now for $500, I can get PC compatibility (I have 2 8"
and 1 5 1/4" drive) through the graphics board (and retire my faithful 5
year old H-19). I have quite a lot of public domain stuff configured for my
system and will be willing to share it.

I have no connection with LDP other than being a customer.

                                            Sam Chin
                                            ARPAnet: tsc2597@nyu-acf4
                                            uucp: allegra!cmcl2!acf4!tsc2597
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