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Date   : Tue, 26 Feb 1985 20:36:00 MST (Tue)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: LASM.DOC and .HEX

    From: apratt%iuvax.uucp at BRL-TGR.ARPA
    To:   info-cpm at AMSAA.ARPA
    Re:   LASM.DOC and .HEX in net.sources

    I have gotten so many requests of the type, "Could you send me a
    copy, too..?", that I am posting LASM3.HEX and .DOC to
    net.sources.  Thank you to pur-ee!shields for sending me the
    answers instead of more questions.
                                               -- Allan Pratt

LASM3 is also available from SIMTEL20 as:

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

LASM3.LBR.1                    BINARY   19200  801FH

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