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Date   : Thu, 07 Mar 1985 22:08:37 GMT
From   : Ken Dellinger <ken%orphan.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Has the Rainbow been dropped?

> According to the most recent Computerworld, DEC has dropped production 
> of the Rainbow.  The article stated that DEC has a large number of them 
> in stock, and will try to run the stock out.  The article also stated
> that while the production run of Rainbows has stopped, it could always 
> be restarted.
> Jeff Edelheit
> (edelheit@mitre)

  The "official" word that I got internally (within DEC, not intra-
  dermally) is that DEC has not dropped production of the Rainbow
  but is re-fitting the Rainbow production facility to produce some-
  thing else.  I also heard that DEC should be announcing new features
  and upgrades for the Rainbow within the next month.  Where these
  things will be produced is what I don't know.

                           Ken Dellinger  
                           Digital Equipment Corporation
                           9570 S.W. Barbur Blvd.
                           Portland, OR  97219

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