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Date   : Sat, 09 Mar 1985 02:18:32 GMT
From   : Jeff Hull <jhull%spp2.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: CP/M & MS-DOS on S-100 Bus???

Last month (I think) in BYTE there was a letter that claimed that
someone is now producing an S-100 bus CPU board that will plug into
any Compupro system & will let you run both CPM-86 & MS-DOS.  The
letter implied (or seemed to) that with this board, I could run IBM PC
programs.  Does anyone out there know any more about this?

I am very sceptical because the IBM PC & programs written for it
involve a lot more than just the CPU.  Specifically, the keyboard &
screen interfaces are very well defined.  I am very interested because
I have over $2K worth of PC SW I acquired during a consulting contract
that I can't presently use because I have a CP/M system.  I don't want
to throw away all of my CP/M stuff & I don't want 2 completely
incompatible systems.  Does anybody have any ideas (other than the
board mentioned above)?

 Blessed Be,

 Jeff Hull            {decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,scdrdcf,ucbvax}
 13817 Yukon Ave.         trwrb!trwspp!spp2!jhull
 Hawthorne, CA 90250
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