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Date   : Wed, 13 Mar 1985 16:27:19 GMT
From   : bill%persci.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA
Subject: DR update to version 2.23.

> DR's version 2.23
> I dont know if the new version of CP/M from "mom" is a mixed blessing.
> It provides 4k more room for the TPA, but has changes things in the
> BIOS and DOS .  A  friend of mine's says that older files are
> generally readable under the new system. But ultilities which
> modify system dependent parameters will also have to be changed...

I haven't heard about 2.23. I am interested!! Please tell me more!!!

Bill Swan (..uw-beaver!tikal!persci!bill)
'Old Bagpipers never die, they just blow away...'
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